ഈ ഘടകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം ഘടകം:languages/data3/s/വിവരണം എന്ന താളിൽ നിർമ്മിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = "\204\128" -- U+0300
local ACUTE = "\204\129" -- U+0301
local CIRC = "\204\130" -- U+0302
local TILDE = "\204\131" -- U+0303
local MACRON = "\204\132" -- U+0304
local BREVE = "\204\134" -- U+0306
local DOTABOVE = "\204\135" -- U+0307
local DIAER = "\204\136" -- U+0308
local CARON = "\204\140" -- U+030C
local DGRAVE = "\204\143" -- U+030F
local INVBREVE = "\204\145" -- U+0311
local DOTBELOW = "\204\163" -- U+0323
local RINGBELOW = "\204\165" -- U+0325
local CEDILLA = "\204\167" -- U+0327
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Kildin Sami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cyrl"},
family = "smi"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["sjg"] = {
names = {"Assangori"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["sjl"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sjm"] = {
names = {"Mapun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sjn"] = {
names = {"Sindarin"},
type = "appendix-constructed",
scripts = {"Latn", "Teng"},
family = "art"}
m["sjo"] = {
names = {"Xibe", "Sibo", "Sibe", "Xibo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Mong"},
family = "tuw"}
m["sjp"] = {
names = {"Surjapuri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sjr"] = {
names = {"Siar-Lak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["sjs"] = {
names = {"Senhaja De Srair"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sjt"] = {
names = {"Ter Sami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["sju"] = {
names = {"Ume Sami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["sjw"] = {
names = {"Shawnee"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alg"}
m["ska"] = {
names = {"Skagit"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skb"] = {
names = {"Saek"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skc"] = {
names = {"Sauk", "Ma Manda"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["skd"] = {
names = {"Southern Sierra Miwok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-you"}
m["ske"] = {
names = {"Ske", "Seke"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["skf"] = {
names = {"Sakirabiá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skh"] = {
names = {"Sikule"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ski"] = {
names = {"Sika"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "plf"}
m["skj"] = { -- compare 'ths'
names = {"Seke"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
m["skk"] = {
names = {"Sok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aav-ban"}
m["skm"] = {
names = {"Sakam", "Kutong"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["skn"] = {
names = {"Kolibugan Subanon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "phi"}
m["sko"] = {
names = {"Seko Tengah"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz"}
m["skp"] = {
names = {"Sekapan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skq"] = {
names = {"Sininkere"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"ur-Arab"},
family = "inc"}
m["sks"] = {
names = {"Maia"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skt"] = {
names = {"Sakata"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sku"] = {
names = {"Sakao"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["skv"] = {
names = {"Skou"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skw"] = {
names = {"Skepi Creole Dutch"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["skx"] = {
names = {"Seko Padang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sky"] = {
names = {"Sikaiana"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-pol"}
m["skz"] = {
names = {"Sekar"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slc"] = {
names = {"Sáliba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sld"] = {
names = {"Sissala"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sle"] = {
names = {"Sholaga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["slg"] = {
names = {"Selungai Murut"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slh"] = {
names = {"Southern Puget Sound Salish"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sli"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmw"}
m["slj"] = {
names = {"Salumá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sai-car"}
m["sll"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slm"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sln"] = {
names = {"Salinan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Arab"},
family = "trk"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["slt"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slw"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slx"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sly"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["slz"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-hce"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["smb"] = {
names = {"Simbari"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smc"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
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names = {"Sama"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smf"] = {
names = {"Auwe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smg"] = {
names = {"Simbali"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smh"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smj"] = {
names = {"Lule Sami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["smk"] = {
names = {"Bolinao"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sml"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smm"] = {
names = {"Musasa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Inari Sami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
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scripts = {"Samr"},
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m["smq"] = {
names = {"Samo"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "smi"}
m["smt"] = {
names = {"Simte"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smv"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Sumbawa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-msa"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["smz"] = {
names = {"Simeku"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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names = {"Noon"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-pan"}
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names = {"Sensi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-pan"}
m["snj"] = {
names = {"Riverain Sango"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "dmn"}
m["snl"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snm"] = {
names = {"Southern Ma'di"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snn"] = {
names = {"Siona"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tuc"}
m["sno"] = {
names = {"Snohomish"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snr"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snv"] = {
names = {"Sa'ban"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snw"] = {
names = {"Selee"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snx"] = {
names = {"Sam"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sny"] = {
names = {"Saniyo-Hiyewe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["snz"] = {
names = {"Sinsauru"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sob"] = {
names = {"Sobei"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Sogdian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Zzzz", "Mani", "Syrc"}, -- Sogdian and Manichaean alphabets not in Unicode yet
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sok"] = {
names = {"Sokoro"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Solos"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["soo"] = {
names = {"Songo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Songe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["soq"] = {
names = {"Kanasi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sos"] = {
names = {"Seeku"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sov"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spc"] = {
names = {"Sapé"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Saep"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spe"] = {
names = {"Sepa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Saponi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Sengo"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spl"] = {
names = {"Selepet"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spm"] = {
names = {"Sepen"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "paa"}
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names = {"Spokane"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spq"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spr"] = {
names = {"Saparua"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sps"] = {
names = {"Saposa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["spt"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spu"] = {
names = {"Sapuan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["spx"] = {
names = {"South Picene"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "itc"}
m["spy"] = {
names = {"Sabaot"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["sqa"] = {
names = {"Shama-Sambuga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sqh"] = {
names = {"Shau"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sqk"] = {
names = {"Albanian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["sqm"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Susquehannock"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "iro"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sqq"] = {
names = {"Sou"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sqr"] = {
names = {"Siculo-Arabic"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Sri Lankan Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sem-sar"}
m["squ"] = {
names = {"Squamish"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sra"] = {
names = {"Saruga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srb"] = {
names = {"Sora"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Sora"},
family = "mun"}
m["src"] = {
names = {"Logudorese Sardinian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "roa"}
m["sre"] = {
names = {"Sara"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srf"] = {
names = {"Nafi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["srg"] = {
names = {"Sulod"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srh"] = {
names = {"Sarikoli"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sri"] = {
names = {"Siriano"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tuc"}
m["srk"] = {
names = {"Serudung Murut"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srl"] = {
names = {"Isirawa"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "crp"}
m["srn"] = {
names = {"Sranan Tongo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "crp"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "roa"}
m["srq"] = {
names = {"Sirionó"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "tup"}
m["srr"] = {
names = {"Serer"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "ath-nor"}
m["srt"] = {
names = {"Sauri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sru"] = {
names = {"Suruí"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Waray Sorsogon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srw"] = {
names = {"Serua"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["srx"] = {
names = {"Sirmauri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sry"] = {
names = {"Sera"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["srz"] = {
names = {"Shahmirzadi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-sbj"}
m["ssc"] = {
names = {"Suba-Simbiti"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssd"] = {
names = {"Siroi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssf"] = {
names = {"Thao"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "map"}
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names = {"Seimat"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-aay"}
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scripts = {"Arab"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ssj"] = {
names = {"Sausi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssk"] = {
names = {"Sunam"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssl"] = {
names = {"Western Sisaala"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssm"] = {
names = {"Semnam"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Sissano"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["ssp"] = {
names = {"Spanish Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["ssq"] = {
names = {"So'a"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "plf"}
m["ssr"] = {
names = {"Swiss-French Sign Language", "Swiss French Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["sss"] = {
names = {"Sô"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "mkh"}
m["sst"] = {
names = {"Sinasina"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssu"] = {
names = {"Susuami"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssv"] = {
names = {"Shark Bay"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["ssx"] = {
names = {"Samberigi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ssy"] = {
names = {"Saho"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "cus"}
m["ssz"] = {
names = {"Sengseng"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["sta"] = {
names = {"Settla"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stb"] = {
names = {"Northern Subanen"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["std"] = {
names = {"Sentinelese"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Zyyy"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ste"] = {
names = {"Liana-Seti"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stf"] = {
names = {"Seta"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tor"}
m["stg"] = {
names = {"Trieng"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sth"] = {
names = {"Shelta", "Cant"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "crp"}
m["sti"] = {
names = {"Bulo Stieng"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stj"] = {
names = {"Matya Samo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stk"] = {
names = {"Arammba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stm"] = {
names = {"Setaman"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stn"] = {
names = {"Owa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-sls"}
m["sto"] = {
names = {"Stoney"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sio"}
m["stp"] = {
names = {"Southeastern Tepehuan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "azc"}
m["stq"] = {
names = {"Saterland Frisian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmw"}
m["str"] = {
names = {"Saanich"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "sal"}
m["sts"] = {
names = {"Shumashti"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stt"] = {
names = {"Budeh Stieng"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["stu"] = {
names = {"Samtao"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aav"}
m["stv"] = {
names = {"Silt'e"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Ethi"},
family = "sem-eth"}
m["stw"] = {
names = {"Satawalese"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-mic"}
m["sua"] = {
names = {"Sulka"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sub"] = {
names = {"Suku"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suc"] = {
names = {"Western Subanon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sue"] = {
names = {"Suena"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sug"] = {
names = {"Suganga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sui"] = {
names = {"Suki"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suj"] = {
names = {"Shubi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suk"] = {
names = {"Sukuma"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["suq"] = {
names = {"Suri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["sur"] = {
names = {"Mwaghavul"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sus"] = {
names = {"Susu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sut"] = {
names = {"Subtiaba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suv"] = {
names = {"Sulung"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suw"] = {
names = {"Sumbwa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sux"] = {
names = {"Sumerian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Xsux"},
family = "qfa-iso"}
m["suy"] = {
names = {"Suyá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["suz"] = {
names = {"Sunwar"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sva"] = {
names = {"Svan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Geor"},
family = "ccs",
translit_module = "Geor-translit",
entry_name = {
from = {"\204\136"},
to = {}} }
m["svb"] = {
names = {"Ulau-Suain"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["svc"] = {
names = {"Vincentian Creole English"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sve"] = {
names = {"Serili"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["svk"] = {
names = {"Slovakian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["svm"] = {
names = {"Molise Croatian", "Slavo-molisano", "Slavomolisano"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "zls"}
m["svr"] = {
names = {"Savara"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "dra"}
m["svs"] = {
names = {"Savosavo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["svx"] = {
names = {"Skalvian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swb"] = {
names = {"Maore Comorian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["swf"] = {
names = {"Sere"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swg"] = {
names = {"Swabian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmw"}
m["swi"] = {
names = {"Sui"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swj"] = {
names = {"Sira"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swk"] = {
names = {"Malawi Sena"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swl"] = {
names = {"Swedish Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["swm"] = {
names = {"Samosa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swn"] = {
names = {"Sokna"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swo"] = {
names = {"Shanenawa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-pan"}
m["swp"] = {
names = {"Suau"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swq"] = {
names = {"Sharwa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swr"] = {
names = {"Saweru"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sws"] = {
names = {"Seluwasan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swt"] = {
names = {"Sawila"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["swu"] = {
names = {"Suwawa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sww"] = {
names = {"Sowa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["swx"] = {
names = {"Suruahá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "auf"}
m["swy"] = {
names = {"Sarua"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxb"] = {
names = {"Suba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxc"] = {
names = {"Sicanian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxe"] = {
names = {"Sighu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxg"] = {
names = {"Shixing"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxk"] = {
names = {"Southern Kalapuya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxl"] = {
names = {"Selonian", "Selian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bat"}
m["sxm"] = {
names = {"Samre"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aav"}
m["sxn"] = {
names = {"Sangir"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "phi"}
m["sxo"] = {
names = {"Sorothaptic"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"} -- possibly ine, but this language is an odd duck
m["sxr"] = {
names = {"Saaroa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "map"}
m["sxs"] = {
names = {"Sasaru"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxu"] = {
names = {"Upper Saxon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sxw"] = {
names = {"Saxwe Gbe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sya"] = {
names = {"Siang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syb"] = {
names = {"Central Subanen"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syc"] = {
names = {"Classical Syriac"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Syrc"},
family = "sem-ara"}
m["syi"] = {
names = {"Seki"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syk"] = {
names = {"Sukur"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "cdc"}
m["syl"] = {
names = {"Sylheti"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Sylo", "Beng"},
family = "inc"}
m["sym"] = {
names = {"Maya Samo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syn"] = {
names = {"Senaya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syo"] = {
names = {"Suoy"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syr"] = {
names = {"Syriac"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Syrc"},
family = "sem-ara"}
m["sys"] = {
names = {"Sinyar"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syw"] = {
names = {"Kagate"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["syy"] = {
names = {"Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["sza"] = {
names = {"Semelai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szb"] = {
names = {"Ngalum"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szc"] = {
names = {"Semaq Beri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szd"] = {
names = {"Seru"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["sze"] = {
names = {"Seze"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szg"] = {
names = {"Sengele"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szl"] = {
names = {"Silesian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "zlw"}
m["szn"] = {
names = {"Sula"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "plf"}
m["szp"] = {
names = {"Suabo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["szw"] = {
names = {"Sawai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-hce"}
return m