ഈ ഘടകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം ഘടകം:languages/data3/e/വിവരണം എന്ന താളിൽ നിർമ്മിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = "\204\128" -- U+0300
local ACUTE = "\204\129" -- U+0301
local CIRC = "\204\130" -- U+0302
local TILDE = "\204\131" -- U+0303
local MACRON = "\204\132" -- U+0304
local BREVE = "\204\134" -- U+0306
local DOTABOVE = "\204\135" -- U+0307
local DIAER = "\204\136" -- U+0308
local CARON = "\204\140" -- U+030C
local DGRAVE = "\204\143" -- U+030F
local INVBREVE = "\204\145" -- U+0311
local DOTBELOW = "\204\163" -- U+0323
local RINGBELOW = "\204\165" -- U+0325
local CEDILLA = "\204\167" -- U+0327
local m = {}
m["eaa"] = {
names = {"Karenggapa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ebg"] = {
names = {"Ebughu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ebk"] = {
names = {"Eastern Bontok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ebo"] = {
names = {"Teke-Ebo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ebr"] = {
names = {"Ebrié"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ebu"] = {
names = {"Embu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ecr"] = {
names = {"Eteocretan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Grek"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ecs"] = {
names = {"Ecuadorian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["ecy"] = {
names = {"Eteocypriot"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cprt"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eee"] = {
names = {"E"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["efa"] = {
names = {"Efai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["efe"] = {
names = {"Efe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["efi"] = {
names = {"Efik"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "nic-bco"}
m["ega"] = {
names = {"Ega"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["egl"] = {
names = {"Emilian", "Emiliano"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "roa"}
m["ego"] = {
names = {"Eggon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["egy"] = {
names = {"Egyptian", "Ancient Egyptian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn", "Egyp", "Egyd"},
family = "egx"}
m["ehu"] = {
names = {"Ehueun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "alv"}
m["eip"] = {
names = {"Eipomek"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eit"] = {
names = {"Eitiep"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "qfa-tor"}
m["eiv"] = {
names = {"Askopan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eja"] = {
names = {"Ejamat"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eka"] = {
names = {"Ekajuk"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["eke"] = {
names = {"Ekit"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ekg"] = {
names = {"Ekari"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "ngf"}
m["eki"] = {
names = {"Eki"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ekl"] = {
names = {"Kolhe", "Kol"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ekm"] = {
names = {"Elip"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["eko"] = {
names = {"Koti"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ekp"] = {
names = {"Ekpeye"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ekr"] = {
names = {"Yace"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eky"] = {
names = {"Eastern Kayah"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ele"] = {
names = {"Elepi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tor"}
m["elh"] = {
names = {"El Hugeirat"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eli"] = {
names = {"Nding"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["elk"] = {
names = {"Elkei"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tor"}
m["elm"] = {
names = {"Eleme"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bco"}
m["elo"] = {
names = {"El Molo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "cus"}
m["elu"] = {
names = {"Elu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-aay"}
m["elx"] = {
names = {"Elamite"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Xsux"},
family = "qfa-iso"}
m["ema"] = {
names = {"Emai-Iuleha-Ora"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emb"] = {
names = {"Embaloh"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eme"] = {
names = {"Emerillon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emg"] = {
names = {"Eastern Meohang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emi"] = {
names = {"Mussau-Emira"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["emk"] = {
names = {"Eastern Maninkakan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emm"] = {
names = {"Mamulique"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emn"] = {
names = {"Eman"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["emo"] = {
names = {"Emok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emp"] = {
names = {"Northern Emberá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ems"] = {
names = {"Alutiiq"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "ypk"}
m["emu"] = {
names = {"Eastern Muria"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "dra"}
m["emw"] = {
names = {"Emplawas"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emx"] = {
names = {"Erromintxela"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["emy"] = {
names = {"Epigraphic Mayan", "Classic Ch'olti'an", "Ch'olti'"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Maya"},
family = "myn"}
m["ena"] = {
names = {"Apali"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["enb"] = {
names = {"Markweeta"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["enc"] = {
names = {"En"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["end"] = {
names = {"Ende"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "plf"}
m["enf"] = {
names = {"Forest Enets"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["enh"] = {
names = {"Tundra Enets"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["enm"] = {
names = {"Middle English", "Medieval English"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmw"}
m["enn"] = {
names = {"Engenni"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eno"] = {
names = {"Enggano"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz"}
m["enq"] = {
names = {"Enga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["enr"] = {
names = {"Emem"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["enu"] = {
names = {"Enu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["env"] = {
names = {"Enwan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "alv-von"}
m["enw"] = {
names = {"Enwang", "Enwan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bco"}
m["eot"] = {
names = {"Beti", "Eotile"}, -- had needed to be distinguished parenthetically from 'btb', till code was split
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alv-kwa"}
m["epi"] = {
names = {"Epie"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alv-von"}
m["era"] = {
names = {"Eravallan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["erg"] = {
names = {"Sie"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["erh"] = {
names = {"Eruwa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eri"] = {
names = {"Ogea"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["erk"] = {
names = {"South Efate"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["ero"] = {
names = {"Horpa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["err"] = {
names = {"Erre"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ers"] = {
names = {"Ersu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ert"] = {
names = {"Eritai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["erw"] = {
names = {"Erokwanas"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-hce"}
m["ese"] = {
names = {"Ese Ejja", "Tiatinagua"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tac"}
m["esh"] = {
names = {"Eshtehardi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Arab"},
family = "ira"}
m["esi"] = {
names = {"North Alaskan Inupiatun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "esx-inu"}
m["esk"] = {
names = {"Northwest Alaska Inupiatun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "esx-inu"}
m["esl"] = {
names = {"Egyptian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["esm"] = {
names = {"Esuma"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["esn"] = {
names = {"Salvadoran Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["eso"] = {
names = {"Estonian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["esq"] = {
names = {"Esselen"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ess"] = {
names = {"Central Siberian Yupik"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cyrl"},
family = "ypk"}
m["esu"] = {
names = {"Yup'ik"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "ypk"}
m["etb"] = {
names = {"Etebi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["etc"] = {
names = {"Etchemin"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eth"] = {
names = {"Ethiopian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["etn"] = {
names = {"Eton (Vanuatu)", "Eton"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-oce"}
m["eto"] = {
names = {"Eton (Cameroon)", "Eton"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["etr"] = {
names = {"Edolo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ets"] = {
names = {"Yekhee"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ett"] = {
names = {"Etruscan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Ital"},
family = "qfa-tyn"}
m["etu"] = {
names = {"Ejagham"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["etx"] = {
names = {"Eten"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["etz"] = {
names = {"Semimi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["eve"] = {
names = {"Even"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["evh"] = {
names = {"Uvbie"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["evn"] = {
names = {"Evenki"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cyrl"},
family = "tuw"}
m["ewo"] = {
names = {"Ewondo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "nic-bco"}
m["ext"] = {
names = {"Extremaduran"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "roa"}
m["eya"] = {
names = {"Eyak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "xnd"}
m["eyo"] = {
names = {"Keiyo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["eze"] = {
names = {"Uzekwe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bco"}
return m